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A huge part of what has compelled me to become so involved in health and fitness has been my own personal struggle with eating. I have been a junk food junkie for a long time...there have been times where I would restrict my eating so much that I would barely eat anything for days in an attempt to lose weight, and this would ALWAYS result in going to the opposite end of the spectrum and eating EVERYTHING in sight, even opting for things in my cupboard that I usually would not find appealing at all!  I was caught in a cycle of restricting then binge eating, restricting then binge eating. It was a huge problem that I NEVER thought I would stop! But I have!! And so can you! I realize that not everyone has struggled with this issue, but the more I share openly about this the more people I have found open up and share that they too have this issue. It has such a traumatic impact on self esteem, PHYSICAL HEALTH, body image, and is a real issue. I have seen commercials for prescription drugs that are meant to stop the desire to binge eat. There are surgeries that shrink your stomach because its thought that this would prevent overeating. I find these things to be a bandage to cover over a deep issue that needs to be addressed. I have written a short E book that I would like to share for free. Please feel free to pass it along to anyone that you think it can help!

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