Monday, May 4, 2015

21 Day Sugar & Wheat Free Eating Group

Who the hell can actually eat no sugar or wheat? That is INSANE, right? And why would a person want to torture themselves like that?? And if someone eats no sugar or wheat, what is possibly left for them to eat? Celery sticks? I am not eating celery sticks for the rest of my life, so I think I will pass on the whole no sugar or wheat thing.....

These were my thoughts exactly!! Until, of course, I actually tried it for myself.( Funny thing is, I can make a judgement about something before I actually try it, and that is no way to live for me anymore. It definitely stunts growth of any kind that I should hope to achieve)  I tried eating sugar and wheat free because I found I was having an addictive response to it! I would eat one brownie and then not be able to stop! It was frustrating. So I decided I would try eating S/W free, and see how my body responded.. I went all in! I got on a food plan that was completely devoid of all things that included sugar or wheat, and this meant trying foods that I had never thought to try before! Including oat bran, steel cut oats, and my fave, QUINOA!!I lost weight and mental fog, my skin cleared up, I had  TON more energy, I found that my body functions optimally when I am eating this way!!

Do I eat completely S/W free today? Not 100%! I still like cookies and brownies on occasion..I cannot lie. This S/W free way of living is TOTALLY doable! It has changed my life! I challenge you to try it for 21 days!! I am starting a FREE 21 day clean eating Facebook group where I will supply you with all that you need to succeed! Just email me that you want to join!

The challenge starts May 11th, 2015!!

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