About Me

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Neale Donald Walsch 

I love this quote because for so many years, I wasn’t living, I merely existed. I ate processed junk, drank too much, smoked, sometimes barely ate, sometimes ate excessively, had horrible sleep habits …felt MISERABLE!!! Why didn’t I realize I felt like CRAP because I was treating myself like CRAP?!!

My entire lifestyle has TRANSFORMED because 7 years ago I took one little step outside of my comfort zone, and bought a workout program called P90X after seeing it on an infomercial. Honestly, what appealed to me about the workout program was the challenge. Was I ready to get as fit as I could in 90 days just by following along with a video in my basement, drinking some chocolate drink each day, and attempting to eat right?? I DEFINITELY wanted to find out if I could!!! I took some “before” pics, and began the first step of my fitness journey!!  

Making that small decision has changed the trajectory of my entire life! I started to see results immediately, which prompted me to educate myself on nutrition and fitness. The more fit I became, the easier it seemed to make healthy food choices because I was SEEING with my own eyes that what I was doing was working! It wasn’t easy…I didn’t always have the desire to go in my basement and workout. I had to push myself!! There were days that I skipped working out altogether. There were days when I ate like crap, and felt like quitting. I didn’t do anything perfectly at all, I just refused to quit. I worked out using P90X for years until another Beachbody infomercial  piqued my interest….it was called Insanity. I knew that I was ready to kick it up a notch, so I purchased the program and began yet another challenge with myself, to see what could happen as a result of working out using Insanity for all 60 days….Yes, I experienced more results !!! Since then I have used several Beachbody workouts (Insanity Max 30, Body Beast, Piyo) and I feel AMAZING! I have come to a place where working out and nutrition are priorities in my life! This LIFESTYLE I live today has allowed me to let go of the cigarettes, and all alcohol (I haven’t had a drink since October 27th, 2010) I have not starved myself or even skipped a meal in attempts to lose weight in years (that NEVER works anyway)  and I no longer live off of junk food! In fact, I am a HUGE proponent of clean eating, and I advocate the 80/20 rule, which I interpret to mean eating clean about 80% of the time, and allowing myself to have less healthy items about 20% of the time. I believe that this is a healthy balance that is realistic, attainable, and most importantly, YIELDS RESULTS!!!! 

Am I perfect? HELL NO!!! But I get it, I know what works, I walk the walk and talk the talk because it feels amazing!!! And now I WANT TO HELP YOU!!!

I became a Beachbody Coach in February 2015 because I found that working a desk job in some office where I had little interaction with people was SO unfulfilling. Although I have an MBA in Human Resource Management, I have found that I am so passionate about fitness and nutrition that I need to follow my calling to help others achieve their wellness goals. It has been extremely fulfilling, because each day my objective is to help other people to realize that YES, they can become fit and healthy by doing a few simple things each day, and that I will help them achieve their specific goal!!! I am able to set my own hours and work from home. I am able to stay home with my 8 month old daughter and 12 year old son, and be present to fix healthy dinners for my family, help with homework, workout each day and have energy to be a good partner to my fiancé! When I was working a desk job, I was drained of energy, and it was a struggle to make dinner each night. I was tired and stressed out…I just knew that I was meant for more.

Now I want to push you to discover that you can have results, you can change your lifestyle, you can eat nutritious DELICIOUS foods and even still eat chocolate and feel comfortable in your own skin! You don’t have to wait till “the time is right” because that will NEVER happen! 

You can begin living the life you want as soon as you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone!

Start living today!!

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