Thursday, April 30, 2015

Crispy Quinoa Patty Recipe

I found my new addiction~ quinoa patties!! Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE my quinoa! It is super versatile, yummy AND healthy! For those of you unfamiliar with what this "superfood" is, let me give you a quick overview....Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is a gluten free grain that is high in protein as well as essential amino acids, and fiber! Too many health benefits to list here...I will definitely get into more detail in another blog post!! 

Here is the recipe, I hope you love it!!


  • 1.5 c. red quinoa
  • 1 15 oz. can black beans, rinsed (should be about 1.5 c.)
  • 1/2 of a green bell pepper
  • 1 c. diced onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tsp. seasoning for flavor ( I like using fresh cilantro, dill, parsley. But you can also use what is in your cupboard)


1) Prepare quinoa according to instructions on package.
2) Dice onions and peppers, then sauté in cooking spray for 3-4 minutes until tender.
3) Add 3/4 c. black beans, garlic, seasoning, and 1.5 c. water to the pan. Allow to simmer until most of the   water has been absorbed (about 9 - 11 minutes).
4) After most of the water is gone, put into a food processor (or a blender) with 3/4 c. quinoa and blend until puréed.
5) Move to a bowl, add remaining 3/4 c. black beans and 3/4 c. quinoa and mix together.
6) Form into 7 patties

Bake on baking sheet (spray with cooking spray) for 20 minutes,then flip and bake an additional 10 minutes. Be careful when flipping them!! It took some practice, they may fall apart a little. If they seem too mushy, bake an additional few minutes and try again.